لعبة Metal Slug Anthology كاملة برابط واحد سريع

غلاف اللعبة:

اضغط هنا لتكبير الصوره

Included features

Metal Slug 1-6 and X are included in the release, and the games have not been altered in any way. This is the same with the characters and abilities, which have all been kept the same. However, the game's manual erroneously states that the 'slide' ability is achievable in Metal Slug 4, 5, and 6 — Metal Slug 4 and 6 does not include this feature in either the arcade or console version.

[Extra features

The game includes several special features.
  • Art Gallery - Concept art of Metal Slug 1 to 6.
  • Wallpapers - PSP-only option. A collection of wallpapers that can be copied to the Memory Stick.
  • Sound Gallery - Music from Metal Slug 1 to 6. The PSP version includes an option that allows the player to copy the music to the Memory Stick as Atrac3+ format audio files with the proper track name and album tags.
  • Game Options - Including difficulty, lives (which can be limited or unlimited, if they are limited the amount of lives the player has depends upon the difficulty) and a rapid-fire option.
  • Interview - A readable interview with some of the games' designers and programmers about the Metal Slug series itself.

متطلبات التشغيل:

System RAM 256 Mb
CPU Speed 1.2 Ghz
Video Card 64 MB

صور اللعبة:

اضغط هنا لتكبير الصوره
اضغط هنا لتكبير الصوره

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